
The Proto-Future Podcast 


A poscast Uniting model Railroading, Urbanism, and Equity

The Proto-Future Podcast is a new take on model railroading, with heavy emphasis on modern transit, intercity passenger rail, urbanism, climate justice, and racial equity. This is the story of things which have never been modeled before and the lifestyle they represent.

A confluence of multiple realizations – chiefly that the best days of railroading are yet to come, and that modeling modern transit makes for more exciting and dynamic operating sessions – this podcast mixes hobby and activism to comment upon both in equal measure.


Listen to the show on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, or this website:


Consider starting with the Prologue Episodes:


Or watch the Modern Modeling Anthology Clinics that started this whole journey

Comments about Proto-Future


“Nicely done on the podcast”

~David Popp, Kalmbach Media


“Of course modern transit is tied to a number of social issues you discuss in your podcast”

~Otto Vondrak, White River Productions


“You own the tone”

~Tom Barbalet, Model Rail Radio


“Modeling and transit need a larger alliance”


~Dave Abeles, Onondaga Cutoff


“Supporting a good show”

~Ron Klaiss, Mine Mount Models


“b-2 stealth train incoming to blast your neighborhood with urbanist leaflets”

~The Red Line Podcast